The Times, They Are A-Changing

Hello there, my lovely people.

As you may have noticed, we have been pretty quiet over here at the FPGblog but that's because Sean and I wanted to have a remodel.

We will no longer be Fair Play Gaming, we will be +1Charisma from here on out, the blog will be getting redesigned and the YouTube channel will also be making a return, instead of being my own personal channel for content, it will become a collaborative effort with myself and Sean, also becoming +1Charisma.

We appreciate your continued support, without us posting we have reached nearly 5000 pageviews on this blog and we hope that you will keep on coming back.

Here is the podcast we recorded today to give you some content since it has been so long since we posted anything. Make sure to follow the SoundCloud if you want to be first to the 'casts and subscribe to the YouTube channel (when it goes live) to be first to the videos.

Aaron (Salty)