Transistor: A Symphony of Gold

I was gifted Transistor the other week on Steam, where it was on sale. This, by the way, is a game that I've been waiting on with bated breath. The spiritual successor of Bastion, one of my Hall of Famers, I had high hopes for this one. It needed music, it needed style, it needed heart. And did it deliver? Or have Supergiant Games simply rested on their laurels? Well, let's investigate, shall we?

First off the bat, let's discuss the storyline. They have kept to their formula for this, in that there is minimal character interaction as you progress through the game. You piece together the world,and the backstory, with snippits that you can optionally discover, or simply ignore. But who would ignore it? It's another well-crafted storyline that is a touch more sophisticated than its older sibling. You are Red, a now voiceless singer, whose friend/love interest has given his live to save you being impaled by the Transistor. This blade has captured his soul (or trace as they call it), and now you must try to return him to his body, get your voice back, and destroy a robotic evil known as the Process. Why is all of this happening? Well, finding out is half the fun.

Both the art and gaming styles are gorgeous. As was to be expected, every part of the game looks hand drawn.Sharp, clear, crisp and, most importantly for my poor excuse of a computer, can run on a toaster. The gaming style is still an isometric hack'n'slash, if you choose it to be. Allow me to explain that last part. You can fight in real-time, it's true. But with one button, you can slow down time and it's suddenly a turn-based strategy game. It's an improvement, in my opinion, although I've seen many an internet wizard cackle about its inferiority.

Attacks themselves come from collected traces (lost souls) or simply levelling up. The level system allows you to upgrade the Transistor as you see fit. More memory for stronger attacks, more slots, the choice is yours. You have four main weapon slots, each of which has a single upgrade slot. You can combine various attacks using these slots, each of which gives your attack a different buff. They can also go in a passive slot, which will give you a new ability. The play styles are near-limitless. You also have access to limiters, mainly meant for New Game Plus, which make the game harder in return for more experience points. It's all in your hands.

It's all about expression and functionality.

And the Another winner. They hit all the right notes, set the mood so well that you're not even aware there is a soundtrack. It just melds into the story's fabric seamlessly. I know gamers who prefer games without the volume up. I think that would detract from any game, but most of all from Transistor.

To wrap it up, get this game. And Bastion, too. They're both modern works of art, experiences that you need to engage with, and every second you don't indulge in them is an opportunity missed.

Studio Ghibli: Dead or Simply Resting?

So, it came out earlier today that Studio Ghibli would be closing down. SHOCK! HORROR! INDIGNATION! At least, that's the terror sweeping through our social networking sites. But the truth is far more relaxing. The studio is NOT closing, at least not permanently.

Director and co-founder Toshio Suzuki has gone on record as saying that the studio may be 'reconstructing' after the retirment of fellow director Hayao Miyazaki. This is the man responsible for a few fan favourites, perhaps the most notable of which being Spirited Away. Toshio has also been quoted as saying that they are 'rebuilding' for the next generation.

It would appear that, although there will be a 'brief pause' in their march towards anime domination, Studio Ghibli will return with fire in their bellies, and new artists at their fingertips.At least, that is their indication. Here's to more classics!

Sourced from

Attack on Titan: Movie News!

Guys! Anime adaptation time!

The Attack on Titan live-action film, based on the manga and anime of the same title, has been on the cards for a while. But until recently, there had been no news on cast members, storyline, nada. But now we know more! For one, legendary scriptwriter Yuusuke Watanabe (Dragonball Z: Battle of Gods) is on board! Some more info is that its story has been crafted in consultation with the creator of the manga, and will feature new characters and 'new threats'. Anybody else thinking new Titan forms? God, I hope so. Variety is the spice of life.

For those of you unfamiliar with this manga/anime sensation, it circles around the last remnants of humanity in a steampunk-esque future, surviving within a walled off city. They are hiding from Titans, giant, human-like beasts who have no junk and creepy-ass smiles. They claim to fight back, but the series is very good at highlighting just how terrified humans are of these creatures. I really can't discuss it too much without giving things away, but it's worth a watch.

It is also going to come in two parts, which should allow for better pacing, an aspect of the anime which I thought was done incredibly well. It's a very character-driven series and I hope that comes across in the adaptations. There has also been a list of actors revealed, with Haruma Miura played the titular character of Eren Jaeger(see below). The remaining roster, not yet attached to their movie counterparts, are Hiroki Hasegawa (Jellyfish Princess), Kiko Mizuhara (Norwegian Wood), Kanata Hongō (Prince of Tennis), Takahiro Miura (Space Battleship Yamato), Nanami Sakuraba (Twin Spica), Satoru Matsuo (Themae Romae), Satomi Ishihara (Sadako 3D), Pierre Taki (Linda Linda Linda), Jun Kunimura (Audition), Shu Watanabe (Kamen Rider OOO), Ayame Misaki (Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters), and Rina Takeda (High Kick Girl).

 Time will tell.

That is a lot of names, and I don't know most of them. However, I will still definitely be watching this bad boy. What about you guys? Let us know in the comments below, or on our Facebook page!

Deadpool. Deadpool? DEADPOOL!

Holy testicle Tuesday, people! I have just recently been made aware of leaked footage of the Deadpool movie! But Sean, I hear you holler, that's been on the cards for years. Well, you wouldn't be wrong. Ever since Ryan Reynolds played the Merc with a Mouth in the somewhat-OK X-Men Origins: Wolverine, fans have been baying like wild dogs for Deadpool to receive his own movie. So, does it look like it's finally going to happen? Uh, yes and no.

Fox has been toying around with this for as far back as I care to recall, and we're not much closer to seeing a theatrical release. In saying that, I'm hoping that this leaked footage,which goes a decent way to create a new hype spike, will show them once and for all that a Deadpool movie will rake in the cash for them. Who doesn't like sarcasm and good old fashioned mindless violence? If Michael Bay can sell out with the Transformers films, they can make a buttload more with this film, especially since they appear to be staying to true to the character.

Then again, who doesn't love fighting robots with hot rod flames?

Anyway,enough of my blathering. Feast your eyes, start a petition, eat a Chimichanga,I don't care! Just enjoy the goodness that is Senor Deadpool.

The poor quality is because it was filmed at SDCC, but bitchin', right? Who doesn't love a bit of Gwen Stefani? Comment below with your thoughts and feelings, or just random blurtations! There, have a word I created specifically for you!

Goin' Liiiiiiive!

Hey there bitches, we are currently in the process of editing the new podcast and preparing to do a livestream over on so if you wanna come along, you totally should. Yeah. Do it. Do it now.

We will probably be playing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure so that's gonna be cool. for the podcast.

Hope to see you there, you lovely bastards!

Holy Dragonballs! A New Z Movie?

Don't worry, folks! It's not the long-feared sequel to Dragonball Evolution, the worst film to splatter our screens since, well, The Last Airbender. Seriously, what is it it with Hollywood and terrible anime/cartoon adaptations? It's like they haven't even bothered with the source material. They've just roughly summarized what they think makes these series' great and gone 'That'll do, right? He's controlled by Piccolo? Yeah, he totally is.'.

This is the face of a totally-submissive monkey.
But enough about my movie adaptation hatred. Let's focus on this new film, from the original studio. It seems awfully close to the American release of their latest outing, Battle of Gods, but there is no doubt that there is a new one on its way into the world come 2015. Akira Toriyama has expressed interest in rekindling the series, even going as far to remove GT from the official canon. A sigh of relief from everyone, then.
But enough of this! You want more information, right? Well, that's the bad news. There isn't a great deal available to us yet, save some screenshots which I'm firing your way as we speak. They show Shenron, and some stills of Goku turning into what looks like Super Saiyan 1. Now, time to leave you to bask.

Pokemon Art Academy: Colour Me Happy

Oh man, it's good to be back! We've been gone for ages, doing one thing or another, but now we've returned! Bigger, better and so much sexier. At least, I think so. But hey, I'm a little biased. This is our lovechild, and I'm a little blinkered. Anyway, enough about this lovely new re-branding: let's talk games! Namely, Pokemon Art Academy.

Now, I get that it isn't a 'mainstream' Pokemon title, but I couldn't care less. I mean, I used to play Pokemon Conquest and I freakin' loved that game. The main issue this new addition faces is the ever-looming Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. Trainers worldwide have been waiting for this release since Gen III was over and done with, and this smaller competitor could possibly get lost in the whirlwind of news being drip-fed to us. Which would be a damn shame, because I thoroughly enjoyed it.

You're thrown right in, with a basic drawing of either Pikachu, Oshawott or Froakie. Best way to learn, in my opinion. And this attitude is reflected across the game's entirety. Tutorials are small and highly interactive, which is a joy to those who hate long texts and unnecessary explanations. However, this strength is also its primary weakness. While the first few levels are easy to grasp and fun to engage in, the later levels expect you to have memorized these skills as it becomes less and less involved. While I understand that this is the overall idea, it happens a little too quickly.

There are mini-lessons that accompany each main lesson, and these serve to sharpen your skills. I found these fun, and almost side mission-like in nature. Completing these unlocked more drawings to attempt in the Free Paint mode, which I'll talk about in a moment. I am seriously proud of each and every drawing I have done, which I sadly can't share because my memory card has been corrupted. It hurt me.

MissingNo strikes again.

So, Free Paint gives you 100+ pictures to draw in whatever way you please, with whatever tools you desire. To add to this, you can take pictures off your SD card and import them as a template. I used this to create my own fight scene using Pokemon figurines. Call me a nerd if you want, but I enjoyed it to no end.

There is a Quick Draw option, which allows you to draw the more basic Pokemon in a flash. Diglett, Litwick and dozens more, this a a nice little addition that allows you to churn out a nice picture in a matter of minutes. Personally, I went back and edited them to fit my personal style, another option that the game allows you. I don't want to brag, but I drew a Groudon and it looked regal.

Not this! God, not this!
To conclude, I would recommend this game to anybody with an interest in drawing Pokemon, specifically if you have no artistic background. If you already have drawing down, this game probably isn't for you. But for any Pokefans who want to bring their favourite 'Mons to life, this is the best way to do it. A must buy for those shy, creative types.

Fight Club Sequel Next Year

The first two rules nearly stopped me writing this piece of news for you all, but I was so damn excited when I read it that I just had to share it.

Fight Club is one of my favourite movies and books of all time and I have often wondered what happened after the final page had been turned and the credits had rolled. Soon I will have to wonder no longer as it has been announced that author Chuck Palahniuk will be teaming with Dark Horse comics to bring a 10 issue comic series dealing with the life of the Narrator.

He is now married to Marla Singer and is struggling to be a good father to his nine year old son. It also seems as though Tyler Durden will be making a return, with Palahniuk saying "Tyler is something that maybe has been around for centuries and is not just this aberration that's popped into [the narrator's] mind."
Other characters from the novel and movie will also be making an appearance, sadly not Robert Paulson who was ever so delightfully played by Meatloaf, until he was shot in the back of the head.

Are you as excited as I am about this? Do you think it's been too long? Or do you think it's been just long enough?

The comics are due to start rolling out in May 2015.

Update and what +1Charisma will be about

So as you may have noticed, we are now super pretty and stylish and all that good stuff, what you may not be aware of are the changes that us becoming +1Charisma will bring, we will no longer just be focussing on gaming, we will be casting our net wider and bringing you news and reviews of things that are also "geek adjacent". Be it comics, TV shows, movies, whatever. We hope you will join us for the ride we are taking. We hope you enjoy said ride. Tell your friends, tell your neighbours, tell us what you think!


The Times, They Are A-Changing

Hello there, my lovely people.

As you may have noticed, we have been pretty quiet over here at the FPGblog but that's because Sean and I wanted to have a remodel.

We will no longer be Fair Play Gaming, we will be +1Charisma from here on out, the blog will be getting redesigned and the YouTube channel will also be making a return, instead of being my own personal channel for content, it will become a collaborative effort with myself and Sean, also becoming +1Charisma.

We appreciate your continued support, without us posting we have reached nearly 5000 pageviews on this blog and we hope that you will keep on coming back.

Here is the podcast we recorded today to give you some content since it has been so long since we posted anything. Make sure to follow the SoundCloud if you want to be first to the 'casts and subscribe to the YouTube channel (when it goes live) to be first to the videos.

Aaron (Salty)