Goin' Liiiiiiive!

Hey there bitches, we are currently in the process of editing the new podcast and preparing to do a livestream over on www.twitch.tv/salty616 so if you wanna come along, you totally should. Yeah. Do it. Do it now.

We will probably be playing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure so that's gonna be cool.

https://soundcloud.com/plus1charisma for the podcast.

Hope to see you there, you lovely bastards!

Fight Club Sequel Next Year

The first two rules nearly stopped me writing this piece of news for you all, but I was so damn excited when I read it that I just had to share it.

Fight Club is one of my favourite movies and books of all time and I have often wondered what happened after the final page had been turned and the credits had rolled. Soon I will have to wonder no longer as it has been announced that author Chuck Palahniuk will be teaming with Dark Horse comics to bring a 10 issue comic series dealing with the life of the Narrator.

He is now married to Marla Singer and is struggling to be a good father to his nine year old son. It also seems as though Tyler Durden will be making a return, with Palahniuk saying "Tyler is something that maybe has been around for centuries and is not just this aberration that's popped into [the narrator's] mind."
Other characters from the novel and movie will also be making an appearance, sadly not Robert Paulson who was ever so delightfully played by Meatloaf, until he was shot in the back of the head.

Are you as excited as I am about this? Do you think it's been too long? Or do you think it's been just long enough?

The comics are due to start rolling out in May 2015.

Update and what +1Charisma will be about

So as you may have noticed, we are now super pretty and stylish and all that good stuff, what you may not be aware of are the changes that us becoming +1Charisma will bring, we will no longer just be focussing on gaming, we will be casting our net wider and bringing you news and reviews of things that are also "geek adjacent". Be it comics, TV shows, movies, whatever. We hope you will join us for the ride we are taking. We hope you enjoy said ride. Tell your friends, tell your neighbours, tell us what you think!


The Times, They Are A-Changing

Hello there, my lovely people.

As you may have noticed, we have been pretty quiet over here at the FPGblog but that's because Sean and I wanted to have a remodel.

We will no longer be Fair Play Gaming, we will be +1Charisma from here on out, the blog will be getting redesigned and the YouTube channel will also be making a return, instead of being my own personal channel for content, it will become a collaborative effort with myself and Sean, also becoming +1Charisma.

We appreciate your continued support, without us posting we have reached nearly 5000 pageviews on this blog and we hope that you will keep on coming back.

Here is the podcast we recorded today to give you some content since it has been so long since we posted anything. Make sure to follow the SoundCloud if you want to be first to the 'casts and subscribe to the YouTube channel (when it goes live) to be first to the videos.

Aaron (Salty)