Fight Club Sequel Next Year

The first two rules nearly stopped me writing this piece of news for you all, but I was so damn excited when I read it that I just had to share it.

Fight Club is one of my favourite movies and books of all time and I have often wondered what happened after the final page had been turned and the credits had rolled. Soon I will have to wonder no longer as it has been announced that author Chuck Palahniuk will be teaming with Dark Horse comics to bring a 10 issue comic series dealing with the life of the Narrator.

He is now married to Marla Singer and is struggling to be a good father to his nine year old son. It also seems as though Tyler Durden will be making a return, with Palahniuk saying "Tyler is something that maybe has been around for centuries and is not just this aberration that's popped into [the narrator's] mind."
Other characters from the novel and movie will also be making an appearance, sadly not Robert Paulson who was ever so delightfully played by Meatloaf, until he was shot in the back of the head.

Are you as excited as I am about this? Do you think it's been too long? Or do you think it's been just long enough?

The comics are due to start rolling out in May 2015.

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