June: The Warmup To Our Gaming Summer

So, everybody knows about E3, the place for the very latest in modern gaming. New titles, new consoles and don't forget those gaming babes....It's like mana from Heaven for the digital generation. The new Xbox, the Playstation 4, whatever magic Nintendo has in store, the curtain lifts on June 11th-13th. If that hasn't got your fingers twitching, I don't know what will. But amid all of this excitement, I fear we're going to forget some cracking titles that have already featured on the Internet. Ones that we are likely to see playable demos for at E3. Curious? Good. Let's tuck in.

Let's get the ball rolling with Remember Me, a game that can only be described as a blend of several existing titles. It's got a Mirrors Edge future setting, with an Assassin's Creed style set up with a little bit of Grand Theft Auto chucked in for good measure. The entire screen seems to be your HUD, with current objectives being displayed either on building walls or in holograms. It's being described as part 'stealth, exploration and melee combat'. The heroine is on a quest to retrieve her memories from her former employees, while manipulating other peoples' memories to make it possible. This one sneaked under my radar, but now it can't escape my elf eyes. You can purchase this beauty on 7th June, on PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

Next up is a pair of games that couldn't be more different if they tried, both released on June 14th: Animal Crossing New Leaf for the 3DS and The Last of Us for the Playstation 3. Let's start with Nintendo's offering, which has been incredibly popular in its native Japan. In this installment of the cartoony quasi-life simulator, you play as the mayor of a tiny town. Your job is to improve on your little haven, upgrading from the humble tent you live in to a great mansion. Of course, there is a lot more to this but it's a series you must play to really understand its appeal. Cannot recommend it highly enough.

The Last of Us has been flagged on the site as a huge point of interest for me, and not just because it's a zombie game. It genuinely seems to incorporate a proper survival element and turns the attention away from brain-blasting to skin-of-your-teeth sneaking. You have to protect your charge, a young girl whose parents are missing(dead, I fear), and it seems to be very much a character-driven story. No trying to find a cure, just plain survival from both infected and fellow humans. Gameplay and stills both look mouth-watering, not to mention that this particular case of infection is based on an existing strain of fungi that actually causes zombie-like behaviour in rats. Gotta love science.

The gorgeous visage of biology.

Deadpool is the last contender on my list of June insanity, and what a round-off. In case you're unaware, Deadpool is a mercenary mutant from the Marvel universe, with a wicked sense of humour and the ability to break the fourth wall. That, for the uninitiated, means that he knows you're reading his comic strip. He knows he is a character in a story. Oh, and he's completely coco loco. The trailer for his own game shows both sides of his psyche: The well-spoken English scholar and the ADHD suffering child, along with hilarious violence, culminating in him screaming 'pow, pow' while he shoots his targets. It does look like a button basher, I will admit, but what a button basher. It's like if Postal went, well, postal. You can insert the insanity  on June 28th on your PC, Playstation 3 or Xbox 360.

So there you have it, those are my warmup games and what crackers they are, if I do say so myself. Of course, there are greater games to come but this will more than whet my whistle for the time being. No doubt demos and further footage will become available after E3, so watch and wait for that. I know I will!

Did I miss anything? Are there other titles that have you on the edge of your bean bag? Then leave a comment! Until next time! 

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