My FavouritE3 (My Picks of E3)

Now that E3 is over for another year, well and truly gone. A distant memory to some and a hazy mess of late nights and early mornings to most, I thought I would knock together my top 3 things that were at E3, hence "FavouritE3." It's witty and clever!

I will start off with the amazing video Sony showed about "Sharing games." It was as genius as it was an obvious and childish dig at Microsoft. Let's be fair though, Microsoft totally deserved it by being such massive idiots so far with what they have shown and said in regards to next gen, even going so far as to limit what countries an Xbox One will even be functional in at launch, which is ridiculous as some countries that are being excluded have a pretty high gaming population. Also, don't even get me started on what a PR failure Don Mattrick was, because after all, the point of this part of the article was how amazing Sony's video was.

Next on my list is Metal Gear Solid V. Really that's all I need to say on the subject of that. If you saw the footage from E3 of it you will know exactly why. It is a shame though that David Hayter will not be reprising his roll but Keifer Sutherland does a really good job of voicing everyone's favourite eyepatch wearing badass. The game is an open world game which blew my mind. Metal Gear Solid in an open world, just think about all the great stuff to do and see! No doubt there will also be a massive amount of hidden items an easter eggs that only the most dedicated players will find. Not to mention the fact that it is technically two games. 

And finally, my top pick from E3, is Watch_Dogs. This game looks set to be Game of the Year for the rest of time. The footage that was shown at E3 totally blew me away, having control over a whole cities electronics through a WiFi (technically a CtOS) network, raising road blockers to total a car that is chasing you, changing traffic lights to cause a horrific multi-lane multi-directional car crash looks so much fun! The protagonist, Aiden Pearce, has had a troubled past and it seems like his future and present aren't going to be a walk in the park either. Watch_Dogs is another open world game, you can go anywhere, do anything you want to do. Randomly hacking people's phones for bank account information then using that to withdraw all their money from an ATM. You can do that. I could talk about Watch_Dogs for hours but for the sake of keeping this less than 30 pages I will stop here.

What were your picks of E3? Let us know in the comments.

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