The Humble Indie Bundle 8 Is Amazing. Fact

A couple of days ago over at the Fair Play Facebook, I told you that I would be reviewing the latest Humble Indie Bundle, I have thought long and hard about what the best way to do that would be, and I think I have come up with something that works, what I'm going to do is tell you a little about what the Humble Bundle does and then give you a little information on each game, then I will give you the link to the Humble Bundle page and insist that you pay whatever you can. This article will focus on the games you get for paying under the average because unfortunately that's what I had to do.

By buying the Humble Bundle you are also supporting Child's Play, which is an amazing charity that a lot of people in the gaming community are always supporting. You can too.

I will start with the game I have played most - Awesomenauts: Awesomenauts is a "MOBA" style game where two teams vie for control over the map. The characters are all amazing. The art style choice really compliments the humour in the game

The two teams are the Reds and the Blues. You pick your Awesomenaut, from quite a small selection at first but as you level up your profile more become available to play as. So playing more and often benefits you sa you get more gear, more characters and better at the game. Wins all round.

If you aren't confident enough in your skills, you can play as much as you want against the AI and still unlock all the things, Taking the M and O out of MOBA. But my hope is that you will go online eventually so I can see you there and we can Awesome it up.

Next is Thomas Was Alone: In Thomas Was Alone you control a series of blocks with varying attributes, from being able to jump great heights or being able to fit through spaces that the other blocks can't.

Thomas Was Alone tells an amazing story and is supplemented with the amazing narration of Danny Wallace, who also was a voice actor in the Assassin's Creed series, so we all know how good he is at what he does.

The graphics aren't amazing but graphics DON'T make a game. The gameplay does, graphics just help. But the gameplay in TWA is so tight an easy to grasp, you will spend hours just hopping around taking in the story in this delightful puzzle-platformer.

Capsized is a weird game, but enjoyable all the same. It is a retro inspired 2D action game with a run and gun style. The game looks gorgeous, with its hand drawn style. There isn't too much I can say about Capsized apart from the game is fun, the satisfying "Pop" of the enemies, the fact that you have a Metroid style / hookshot inspired way to navigate the maps, as well as a jet pack and a high powered rifle makes this game a perfect addition to any games library.

Little Inferno is more of an experience than a game, if I am totally honest. A very engaging and clever experience all the same. The core mechanic is burning things in the titular "Entertainment Fireplace" to stay warm. The fire graphics and the wide array of things you can immolate, as well as the continuing narrative will keep you coming back for more. Also your "neighbour" is bloody hysterical.

Those are all the games from the bundle I have played, Dear Esther is also in the bundle but I have been warned to stay as far away from that as possible.

If you pay over the average you also receive - Hotline Miami, Proteus, Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers, English Country Tune and Oil Rush (with a map pack)

If you can afford to pay over the average I highly reccomend it, if nothing else than for Hotline Miami

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