Kickstarter Saturday - Artizens

I've decided on a new weekly article, Kickstarter Saturday, so I will be discussing games that are being funded by Kickstarter. For those of you who don't know, Kickstarter is a company that  provides, through its website, tools to fund raise for creative projects via crowd funding. A multitude of games, independent films, music and stage shows.

Artizens by Artizens Inc. is an currently at 436 backers, and have more than half of the money they need pledged, with 22 days remaining. The closing date for backing Artizens is Sunday February 17th. The game seems to be inspired by games such as Monster Hunter and Shadow of the Colossus. It also features a high level of customization for character gear "Artizens' developers promise that the game will feature an "unprecedented" level of customization; each piece of equipment is visible on your character, and players can create and import their own gear with unique properties. The game will also include an online trading feature, to encourage player-drawn creations." -

What follows are the benefits from backing Artizens: 

  •  $15 - The Gamer - Get the game and access to its early versions. This is a great way to get early backstage access and get the game for less money than when it’s released!
  • $25 - The Music Lover - Get a digital download of every song produced during the lifetime of the game plus the rewards above.That's right, this isn't your ordinary soundtrack. Since we're an ongoing game, we're going to have a whole lot of music over time and each time we master a new track, it'll be sent to you.
  • $40 - The Team Leader - Get the game and soundtrack for you and three friends, enough for a party of adventurers. Because all of our missions support cooperative play and many of our monsters are quite challenging, you’re going to want to play with your friends. It's a great way to show off all the cool gear you make as well. 
  • $60 - The Immortal - Get all the game expansions as soon as they are available. For life. Plus all the rewards above. We plan on releasing new monsters, missions, crafts, and mods for as long as we’re in business, so this will add up fast. This is just for your account, not for your three friends, so you'll have some sweet bragging rights.
  •  $100 - The Pioneer – *Kickstarter Exclusive* Get a specially made set of equipment with custom art and modifications which are only available through Kickstarter. Plus all the rewards above. We plan on releasing our alpha with 6 weapons/tools and 6 armors. As a Pioneer, you'll get a specially made set of all 12 equips with custom art and mods. This includes Sword and Shield, Bow and Arrow, Potion, Air Bursters (let you double jump or air dash), Repair Turret, Mini Trittentrat (little creepy pet), Helmet, Shirt, Chestplate, Gloves, Pants, and Shoes.
  • $250 (limit of 20) - The Chosen - Let our illustrator produce custom art for an equipment of your choice, just for you. Plus all the rewards above. You can choose one of the starting crafts, tell us what you want it to look like, and we’ll have our illustrator draw it up for you. Check out the list of crafts above to see what you can choose from.
  • $500 (limit of 10) - The Alchemist - Design a new modification to a craft with our team. Plus all the rewards above. We have a virtual office and we’ll give you access to it, so you can meet up with us online. We’ll work together to come up with a new modification to an existing craft of your choice. For example, maybe we don’t have a mod that makes swords hit twice instead of just once, so you could help us to build the ‘double-hit’ mod. The only restrictions are that we all think it’d be fun for the whole community to use, it will work on an existing craft, and that it has balanced pros and cons, otherwise it can be anything. You’ll be added to the credits for your contribution. 
  • $1000 (limit of 5) - The Craftsman - Design a new armor, augment, projectile weapon, or tool with our team. Plus all the rewards above.  This is a much bigger deal than modding a craft. A craft is a whole new object you can use in the game. It will change the way everyone plays the game and you could be one of the devs! You’ll join us online to design a new craft that we all think will be fun for the whole community. You’ll be added to the credits for your contribution. 
  • $2000 (limit of 2) - The Virtuoso – Design a new melee weapon, pet, or monster with our team. Plus all the rewards above. These are very complex crafts and require quite a bit of animation, scripting, and design. You’ll join us online in our virtual office and help us make this new complex craft as fun for the whole community as we can. You’ll be added to the credits for your contribution. 
  • $5000 (limit of 1) - The Visionary – Design an entire mission scenario with our team. Plus all the rewards above. This is a huge deal. Missions are the core of the game and involve a lot of different things coming together: level design, background drawings, NPCs, big and little monsters, win conditions, time limits. You’ll join us in our virtual office to design a unique mission that will be fun for the whole community. You’ll be added to the credits for your contribution. (Taken from the Artizens Kickstarter page)
If you are able to contribute at all, the game looks and sounds amazing. So I highly recommend it, I will keep you updated on Artizens as the closing date approaches.

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