Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Demo Review

Jack the Ripper Returns

When I got home from seeing the amazing Hobbit movie yesterday and checked my Twitter feed, I noticed that people had been posting about the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance demo. I had no idea it was even due to be released, so today when I eventually rolled out of bed I decided to download it, seeing as how it was the second game this year that I was excited about, the first being Ninja Theory's reboot of one of my favourite gaming franchises ever, Devil May Cry.

When the download was complete I launched the demo right away and what I was greeted with was a visual and auditory treat. The demo is gorgeous. I was blown away by how polished it looked, and it plays just as good.

Now, I'm not saying it's perfect but it is damn close. It's a refreshing removal from the tried and tested Metal Gear Solid play style of stealth espionage and is much more action orientated.

Now, let me talk about some of the things I liked before I get into the things I didn't like so much.

Things I liked: Blade Mode - Blade mode is just... Wow. It's just wow. Honestly. The way you it slows time down so you can decimate your opponents with Raiden's high frequency katana. There are two ways you can do this, with the right thumbstick or with the X and Y buttons (Xbox 360.) The right thumbstick gives you free control over the direction of the swing whereas the buttons just totally mess everything up.

The Graphics - Now, gorgeous graphics are to be expected in this day and age but MGR:R just seems to push the machine to deliver a completely stunning visual. Also, the way the codec works now - as a Borderlands 2 or Dead Space inventory screen, not taking you out of the gameplay like it used to in the older games, letting you walk and look around while communicating with who ever is on the other end.

The Music - I don't know who composed the music, if I had paid attention at the end of the demo I'm sure i would have seen. But I didn't. But it was a treat for my ears. Especially the music in the last fight of the demo.

Now, Things I didn't like: The Length - The demo was far too short. You are just getting into it then BOOM! It ends. Sad times. I know it is only a demo but even the (equally as good) DmC demo was longer, and most other demos I have played have been substantially longer also.

Blade Mode - The only downside to Blade Mode is that as you are running around and then suddenly feel the urge to hit Left Trigger cause some destruction. If you don't take your hand off of the left thumbstick quick enough the camera will go right down so you can see Raiden's feet. As they are the feet of the character you are controlling, I doubt you want to cut them off.

Honestly, I'm just clutching at straws for things to dislike about the demo, purely for objectivity but I cant find enough. I love this demo and my excitement for the full game has been renewed.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance releases in February 2013.

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