Kickstarter Saturday - Updates

So as many of you know, my weekly article Kickstarter Saturday highlights games that are being funded via the crowdfunding website Kickstarter, as the name may suggest.

I started with Artizens by Artizens Inc. so that's where the updates will start. I am happy to say that Artizens has been fully funded, and then some, 157% at my last check with 27 hours to go. I am very happy for everyone at Artizens Inc. The game looks fantastic and I cannot wait to play it.
Artizens' stretch goals are as unique as Artizens itself seems to be, for every stretch goal that is achieved, a new pet for EVERY backer will be unlocked. The stretch goal "bounties" can be found here.

The second KS was Cryamore by NostalgiCO. Cryamore was already fully funded when I covered it, which was contrary to my original plan, but I couldn't resist covering it, it is one of the better looking games I have seen on Kickstarter, and it sounds amazing as well, so it kinda wins in all the areas. At my last check Cryamore was at 279% funded and with 9 days to go. My original article can be found here.

And thirdly, came Asylum, a Lovecraft inspired journey through, as the name suggests, an asylum. I wont go into too much detail about Asylum in this brief update because the Asylum article was only posted last week. But Asylum is up to 83% funded with 11 days to go. I hope they get the funding they need because Asylum looks amazing.

I would also like to thank the Artizens guys and Augustin Cordes for replying to my tweets on the weeks of their articles, just goes to show that community is important to both of these guys, which in my opinion, is only ever a good thing.

DmC Gets Bloody Palace

Bloody Palace mode is coming to DmC: Devil May Cry next week, 19th for US PS3 players and the 20th for EU PS3 and EU/US 360.

So get ready to put your demon killing skills to a real test.

Face your demons.

Information on The Next Xbox?

It seems you can hardly turn any where on the internet nowadays without hearing about the next generation of consoles and it seems like, today, new information has surfaced about the new Microsoft console, Codename: Durango.

The first thing that I read made me cringe and wince... Mandatory Kinect... Yey! Ugh...

Although the sensor has reportedly been beefed up but unless it gives me a cookie every time I get an achievement I can't see my getting TOO excited about the forced Kinect-ivity.

It also looks like the games will install automatically and in the background as you play because "Durango" games apparently can't read directly from the disc.

Not only that but you can suspend play and switch around through other apps and games and then go back to the original game a'la smartphone apps. Sounds neat.

At this moment, this is all conjecture so don't take anything I say as gospel.

Oh and also, I didn't feel the need to mention the obvious graphical improvements because... Durrr..

Kickstarter Saturday - Asylum

As a fan of H.P. Lovecraft, this game jumped right out at me, Asylum by Senscape and Augustin Cordes.

Asylum is a point and click adventure game set in a large, decaying mental asylum. One can assume that, with the setting and the Lovecraft inspiration, the game will be completely terrifying in the most delightful way. As much as people would like to deny it, everyone loves being scared. It's one of the things that make us feel truly alive.

There aren't a lot of details about Asylum as of yet as Senscape feel it better to keep story details under-wraps to surprise the players, I think that this is a good technique, too much information is liable to sully the experience and no-one wants their experiences sullied.

According to the Asylum Kickstarter page, the story of Asylum will be "very twisty and satisfying." Now I don't know about you, but those are two words I love to hear when describing any game, twists keep things fresh and new, also with close to 100 rooms to explore in the Hanwell Mental Institute, filled with detail and back story, Hanwell's history is your's to discover.

 For helping to fund this project via Kickstarter, you can receive some pretty awesome rewards, including being immortalized in-game, if you pledge $10,000 you can even be an integral point of the story, appearing twice and being a bit of a nuisance to as many players as the game gets. Which will hopefully be a lot as Asylum sounds incredible.

At the time of writing, Asylum is 52% funded with 19 days to go.

The other rewards I haven't mentioned can also be found on the Asylum Kickstarter page 

When Is A Duck Not A Duck? An Antichamber Review

Very rarely will you find a game with such charm and subtle beauty as Antichamber, which started out as being called "Hazard: The Journey of Life" and is just simply... There truly are no words to define this game, but for the sake of this review, I guess I should try and find a couple.

Now, before I start I am only going off of the very limited time I have spent with this game, a short little play and a couple of YouTube videos, most notably the TotalBiscuit video with the developer, Alexander Bruce, where I pulled the title of this review from. It seemed like too good a line to pass up really.

Antichamber is a single person, first person puzzle game. That is where the similarities to any other game end. Some people have likened it to the Portal series, and I can see why. But doing so, is a massive disservice to both games, which are as different as they are similar.

The game is a series of choices, pratfalls, trials and triumph. With clever design and a habit of messing with your head. Antichamber tries to teach you to not trust what you have learnt from other games you have played in the past and instead slows you down, makes you look for the solution, it wont just hand it to you on a silver platter and hold you aloft while you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. No, not at all, Antichamber will perplex you, mystify you and ultimately charm you. I really cannot sing the praises of this lovely indie title enough, released only five days ago.

The game is highly psychological, featuring a 4D art gallery, and who can say no to that?

You can find Antichamber on Steam.

The Witcher 3 Announced

Game Informer Cover

Yes, you heard me correctly the hotly anticipated The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is this months Game Informer cover story, and has officially been announced. As you may notice by the picture, "A Must See Next Generation RPG." Next Gen? Yes, It's due to be released on "top of the line consoles and PCs" by 2014 so we will probably be in the next gen by then, with our PS4s and Xbox 720's (I hate calling it that... if anything its the Xbox 3.)

According to Game Informer though, The Witcher 3 is 30 times larger than The Witcher 2... That's massive right? Well, it must be, it's bigger than Skyrim. With a world that big you're going to need to fast travel right? Right, also there will be mounts and mounted combat

Wild Hunt isn't broken up into acts, however as the new engine, REDengine 3 allows for the exploration of a vast world, and the world of The Witcher 3 is truly vast. However, enemies won't scale to your level so it is possible to wander into an area of the map and have your face unceremoniously ripped from your body, and no one wants that. There will not only be blood thirsty enemies however, there will also be friendly characters who want try to have a bath in your blood, unpredictable weather and sailing.

See that? I ended on a strong note there. Sailing.

Kickstarter Saturday - Cryamore

I had originally planned to cover games that needed more exposure on Kickstarter but this game, Cryamore, Really caught my eye. It sounds almost to good to be true, and apparently more people than me thought that - Cryamore is currently sitting at 171% funded and still has over three weeks to go until the date the funding closes. To me, that is kind of incredible, but after reading through the games Kickstarter page, I can see why the funding has gone so well, so quickly.

Cryamore is an ARPG (action role playing game) and as you can see from the screenshot above, Cryamore looks amazing, the other screenshots on the page are equally as gorgeous. The gameplay of Cryamore will be strongly ability based, using elemental abilities to solve puzzles and advance through the game's story, as well as in combat, a'la Legend of Zelda and Metroid. Certain abilities can be linked to get the most bang for your buck, different abilities can give bonuses against certain elemental enemies. There is no shortage of abilities either.

The developers want the story of Cryamore to be engaging and want the players to play at their own pace, discovering secrets and piecing things together, also it seems the developers are fans of huge plot twists, so expect a couple of those as well, I can imagine.

The rewards for backing Cryamore can be found on the games Kickstarter page

Cryamore is being published by NostalgiCO