When Is A Duck Not A Duck? An Antichamber Review

Very rarely will you find a game with such charm and subtle beauty as Antichamber, which started out as being called "Hazard: The Journey of Life" and is just simply... There truly are no words to define this game, but for the sake of this review, I guess I should try and find a couple.

Now, before I start I am only going off of the very limited time I have spent with this game, a short little play and a couple of YouTube videos, most notably the TotalBiscuit video with the developer, Alexander Bruce, where I pulled the title of this review from. It seemed like too good a line to pass up really.

Antichamber is a single person, first person puzzle game. That is where the similarities to any other game end. Some people have likened it to the Portal series, and I can see why. But doing so, is a massive disservice to both games, which are as different as they are similar.

The game is a series of choices, pratfalls, trials and triumph. With clever design and a habit of messing with your head. Antichamber tries to teach you to not trust what you have learnt from other games you have played in the past and instead slows you down, makes you look for the solution, it wont just hand it to you on a silver platter and hold you aloft while you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. No, not at all, Antichamber will perplex you, mystify you and ultimately charm you. I really cannot sing the praises of this lovely indie title enough, released only five days ago.

The game is highly psychological, featuring a 4D art gallery, and who can say no to that?

You can find Antichamber on Steam.

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