Kickstarter Saturday - Updates

So as many of you know, my weekly article Kickstarter Saturday highlights games that are being funded via the crowdfunding website Kickstarter, as the name may suggest.

I started with Artizens by Artizens Inc. so that's where the updates will start. I am happy to say that Artizens has been fully funded, and then some, 157% at my last check with 27 hours to go. I am very happy for everyone at Artizens Inc. The game looks fantastic and I cannot wait to play it.
Artizens' stretch goals are as unique as Artizens itself seems to be, for every stretch goal that is achieved, a new pet for EVERY backer will be unlocked. The stretch goal "bounties" can be found here.

The second KS was Cryamore by NostalgiCO. Cryamore was already fully funded when I covered it, which was contrary to my original plan, but I couldn't resist covering it, it is one of the better looking games I have seen on Kickstarter, and it sounds amazing as well, so it kinda wins in all the areas. At my last check Cryamore was at 279% funded and with 9 days to go. My original article can be found here.

And thirdly, came Asylum, a Lovecraft inspired journey through, as the name suggests, an asylum. I wont go into too much detail about Asylum in this brief update because the Asylum article was only posted last week. But Asylum is up to 83% funded with 11 days to go. I hope they get the funding they need because Asylum looks amazing.

I would also like to thank the Artizens guys and Augustin Cordes for replying to my tweets on the weeks of their articles, just goes to show that community is important to both of these guys, which in my opinion, is only ever a good thing.

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