Information on The Next Xbox?

It seems you can hardly turn any where on the internet nowadays without hearing about the next generation of consoles and it seems like, today, new information has surfaced about the new Microsoft console, Codename: Durango.

The first thing that I read made me cringe and wince... Mandatory Kinect... Yey! Ugh...

Although the sensor has reportedly been beefed up but unless it gives me a cookie every time I get an achievement I can't see my getting TOO excited about the forced Kinect-ivity.

It also looks like the games will install automatically and in the background as you play because "Durango" games apparently can't read directly from the disc.

Not only that but you can suspend play and switch around through other apps and games and then go back to the original game a'la smartphone apps. Sounds neat.

At this moment, this is all conjecture so don't take anything I say as gospel.

Oh and also, I didn't feel the need to mention the obvious graphical improvements because... Durrr..

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