New Star Wars Battlefront?

Did you love Star Wars Battlefront? I know I did, I played it with my brother quite a lot, I loved it. So when I heard there may be a new one coming at some point, my face nearly cracked with the size of my smile.

Then I read more into it, and as always, there was a caveat - Battlefront 3 will only be released if a game that is nothing like Battlefront sells well. The game in question is Star Wars: First Assault.

First Assault is said to be a downloadable 8 vs 8 shooter, one team plays as the rebels, the other as the empire. Sounds good right? Yes, I thought so too.

First Assault its self sounds pretty good, but I've seen screenshots and it just looks like a generic, bland, FPS. Which is a bad thing! One of the main things I loved about Battlefront is how much I felt like I was in the Star Wars universe, the screenshots look like they could be any interchangeable modern FPS.

Call of Duty: Clone Wars anyone?

Let's just hope that between now, and the prospective Spring release of First Assault, and if that does well the hopeful release of Battlefront 3 - things change.

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