Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) Review

Hey there, gaming fans! Sorry I've been gone so long. I'm sure you've missed me, I know I've missed you. I've been meaning to write sooner, but I have a dark secret to share with you all today. I have an addiction. A craving for bright colours and squeaking animal neighbors. I have fallen victim to the universe of Animal Crossing, and I feared that I would never leave. But here I am, alive and well, and I want to share my adventures and thoughts thus far on Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

To say that I was an Animal Crossing virgin would be a slight exaggeration. I had been tempted by the DS release, Wild World, several years ago but it never truly held my attention. I could see how it was a great game, but it simply didn't have that magic I was promised. So when I heard of another game strutting onto Nintendo's latest handheld, I was slightly apprehensive. I had no need to be. It finally delivered that special something that I was promised oh-so-many years ago.

Trying to describe exactly what brings this game together is like trying to describe colour to a blind man, or a symphony to a deaf one. It's something you have to sample to grasp the true scope of. But I will try and pull it together. Essentially, you are given a bland lump of clay, your starter town and the power to craft it in your own image. Want a wooden suspension bridge? It's yours. Park bench? Build one! A beautiful water fountain? Check! It's so much more though. It's the sense of community you get upon finishing these projects. Observe.

This was my first project. Look at the party poppers!

You start off with a tent and little furniture, but over time, you get a house and following extensions which you can decorate however you wish. Not only is there a huge catalog of furniture from you to choose from, but it's totally customisable in both colour and pattern. It can finally be truly unique. Each character is fresh and while some are delightful, there are some you will want to get rid of. And you can. You're the Mayor. You are their God, and they will cower before your paper-stamping might!.....Sorry, I got distracted. Where was I?

Reviewing such a game is out of my abilities, it would seem. If you hunger for action and constant gratification, walk away now. If you want a game that you slowly chisel away at until, a year later, you have a Da Vanci-like sculpture, get this game. That's really all there is to it. See you around, folks.

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