Deadpool (PS3) Review

In case you're unaware, I'm a bit of a comic geek. I love Marvel, DC, anything that has a good storyline and a nice art style. In particular, the Cable & Deadpool series stuck in my mind as the most memorable. Ever since that day, I've been obsessed with the 'Merc with a mouth'. So, naturally, when High Moon Studios announced they would be releasing a game based on my favourite anti-hero, I damn near soiled myself. I rushed out and bought it, but was I impressed? It's a tricky one, that much is for sure.

Let's kick things off with the gameplay. It's not mold-breaking, let's put it that way. It's a typical hack'n'slash that was dressed up to seem like so much more. You gain points, upgrade your character in a limited fashion and buy a set of new and shiny gear. Enemy models are hashed and rehashed with unashamed tenacity, even if those characters are relativly entertaining. My personal favourite is the Gambit clones, suicidal copies that yell 'mon cherie' over and over and then explode. A little jab at the X-Men, which I personally enjoyed. Nevertheless, it is laziness on the part of the developers and an act that I cannot let slide.

Next on my hit list (Ah, see what I did there?) is the plot. I don't think it was ever designed to be deep or compelling, which is just as well. Lackluster is the word, I believe. Something about cloning mutants on the island of Genosha. It's all lost in explosions, exposition and expletives. Then again, it reflects the attitude of Deadpool himself. Indeed, at one point while Cable attempts to explain the situation, our 'hero' drifts off and we miss the whole thing. Still though, it fell flat.

There was ladies, however. Lots of ladies. 10/10.

I'm sure at this point you must be thinking 'Sean, you must have hated this game!'. Quite the opposite, my friends. This woeful tale has one saving factor, one shining star that almost completely blankets out its flaws. And that, boys and girls, is Deadpool himself. High Moon did a brilliant job at bringing the character to life, the legendary Nolan North giving him his constantly-rambling voice. They got him perfect, down to the finest detail. His short attention span, which buries a larger intellect. His complete and utter perversion. His own delusions and casual disregard for consequence. At one point in the game, you ride in a flying Sentinel boot-come-hot tub with an inflatable sexy doll. He's mad, bad and utterly hilarious to play as. I just couldn't get enough of his insane wit and ability to break the fourth wall.

So, is this a game you should check out? If you're a Deadpool fan, absolutely. If you're curious about Mister Wilson but don't know enough of him, get in there. But if you're looking for a deep and engaging story or unique gameplay, look elsewhere. This is a love letter to a psychopath, and one that only comic fans could handle to read.

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