Holy Dragonballs! A New Z Movie?

Don't worry, folks! It's not the long-feared sequel to Dragonball Evolution, the worst film to splatter our screens since, well, The Last Airbender. Seriously, what is it it with Hollywood and terrible anime/cartoon adaptations? It's like they haven't even bothered with the source material. They've just roughly summarized what they think makes these series' great and gone 'That'll do, right? He's controlled by Piccolo? Yeah, he totally is.'.

This is the face of a totally-submissive monkey.
But enough about my movie adaptation hatred. Let's focus on this new film, from the original studio. It seems awfully close to the American release of their latest outing, Battle of Gods, but there is no doubt that there is a new one on its way into the world come 2015. Akira Toriyama has expressed interest in rekindling the series, even going as far to remove GT from the official canon. A sigh of relief from everyone, then.
But enough of this! You want more information, right? Well, that's the bad news. There isn't a great deal available to us yet, save some screenshots which I'm firing your way as we speak. They show Shenron, and some stills of Goku turning into what looks like Super Saiyan 1. Now, time to leave you to bask.

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