Pokemon: Trimming The Fat

Who would have guessed that, in 1996, the face of gaming would change forever? And to add to the madness, that the charge would be led by a pack of mutant monsters? You all know what I'm talking about: Game Freak's biggest and brightest star, Pokémon. Originally called Capsule Monsters, the pitch to Nintendo crashed and burned. But after some quick re-branding to Pocket Monsters, Nintendo took on the project. The world didn't know what hit it.

The two versions, Red and Green, became an overnight success in their home country of Japan, the craze going global with the release of Red and Blue in the West. The madness cooled but never quite left and, to date, twenty one released games(including Green) in which you play as a trainer leaving home to embark on their Pokémon journey after getting such a beast from the local professor, with a rival always one step ahead of you. They would then encounter other trainers to battle and wild Pokémon, which could be weakened and captured. You level up your new friends and watch them grow stronger and some even evolve into new creatures.

You'd then mix and match them constantly to make the toughest team as you take on the eight Gym Leaders of that region. Then you'd move up and hit the best of the best, the Elite Four. After they've been laid out, you face the Champion (usually your rival). After that, trade with your mates to fill up your book of monsters, the Pokédex. And then....what? It's the same rigmarole, rarely with any driving story to immerse yourself in. Sure, some enter contests, others replay it or invent new challenges but most just let the games gather dust. I'm one of the latter. For me, the story has grown a little stale. So you, yes you, get to listen to me explain my issues with Pokémon as it stands today! Ready? Your own adventure begins!

My main issue with the series today is its bulk. That's right, Pokémon got fat. Really fat. It has more spin-offs than the original 'Red' layout. You have Mystery Dungeon, Snap, Stadium, Video Trading Card Game,even a Pokemon Typing Adventure! Oh, and those are just the video games. There's trading cards, the good old animé, manga, those Pokémon Centres in Japan....Do you see what I mean? It's become a corporate giant. Screw Godzilla, it's a great Pikachu they should be afraid of! Oh wait...they already have those in parades. Well, damn. The series needs to be stripped back to what it originally was: cute little monsters that you trained and swapped with friends. Stop expanding, please, and just focus.

That leads on nicely to my next issue. You remember being a kid, I'm sure. If you grew up through the Pokémon boom, you remember the first 151. God, they were glorious, weren't they? Took me years to collect them all (minus Mew), and by the time I had finished that, new games had arrived! Gold and Silver! Cool, they were continuing the colour theme! And look, I can trade over relatively easy and even evolve some of my already maxed-out creatures! So I went through the process again, I enjoyed it just as much and I loved battling Red. And just as I reached the end of that, another came out. I'm sure you can see where this is going. I was stuck in that loop a long, long time. Collecting them at first was a pleasure but, as they reached number 500 it had become a chore. A chore I no longer wanted to complete. I'd stopped trading and battling with friends. It now became a streamlined affair. Get the best, beat the Champion, wait for next game. They should have taken Gold and Silver, hunkered down and fine-tuned what they already had. New graphics, new parts to explore, story continuation and stopped throwing more and more 'Mon at us....Is that so hard, Game Freak?

The next point is more of a personal gripe. All these Pokémon Contests that they're sticking in, and all those other gimmicks. More and more of them. Yeah, I get you're trying to make the lifespan of the game greater and appeal to larger audiences. But you know what? It isn't working! Sure, some people will do them but I have yet to meet someone who picks up a copy of your game and thinks 'Time to make my Scraggy look fabulous!'. We want to duke it out with friends, make that more accessible! Because you said you streamlined it but you haven't. That interface is still tricky. A seven year old could use the Link Cable. Point out a seven year old who can use the Global Link Network. Go on. I'll wait.

Okay, this is my last point. I swear. The story, Game Freak, the story! You've come so close in the past. Yeah, Red and Blue didn't have a great story. But it didn't need to, it was the first of its kind. Now it needs a hook, something we can sink our teeth into. Plot-wise, I feel it peaked in the 3rd Generation. Team Magma and Team Aqua, they knew what bad guys were. They think they're doing good when, in fact, they're going to just make things worse. After that, we got Cyrus who wanted to control Time/Space/Dimensions, but to do what with was very loosely covered. Then you have Black And White. N was deep, he was interesting! He was a Pokémon activist! There was so much potential for expansion on that, for you as the player to doubt yourself and the choices you were making. Building on the lore, that's what it needs in my oh-so humble opinion. And no, Black 2 and White 2 didn't sort out what I just said about N so hush.

If what I just listed could be implemented into the games, as is my hope with Pokémon X and Y(What even is that?) , then we could have a winner on our hands. The classic formula but with added depth, honed and focused to a point. A manageable number of Pokémon that won't leave grown men like myself a gibbering, raging wreck. If Game Freak can sort themselves out and get what the public want into production, they may just save their beloved Pikachu before it's too late.

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