Dead Space 3 Awarded Top Spot?

Yeah, that's right. Dead Space 3 has managed to claw its way into the best-selling game this week. I cannot even begin to tell you how much this lets me down. You may recall that I wrote a review on the demo a couple of weeks back. It was my first article on this site, as a matter of fact. And I was incredibly proud of it, if I do say so myself. I thought I had encapsulated the experience perfectly, and I had assumed that Dead Space fans the world over would have boycotted this unwelcome departure from the series format. I was wrong.

The game must have something that the demo did not flaunt. In fact, there must be a lot of those 'somethings'. A demo, by its very name, should show us the best a game has to offer and not just some lukewarm appetiser. There could be several reasons behind this sudden shift in power. The fans may have decided 'this is a good direction for the game' and supported the franchise. In which case, all the more power to you. I am a fan of the first two, but this one just feels too genial to be a true Dead Space game. I respect your attitudes, and I hope to be proven wrong. Heck, if the argument is convincing enough I would even review the actual game! Which, I'm sure you'll remember, is quite the jump from my opinion mere weeks ago.

Or there is the second, and I feel more likely, scenario. EA is a colossus in the gaming world. It has cash to spare and a mean right hook when it comes to advertising. And it is that advertising that, I personally believe, has caused this boom. We're in a bit of a gaming stalemate right now, waiting for the exciting blockbusters releases to come piling in. Until then, we have the new DMC game to keep us warm and it isn't exactly a stellar success. So any new game with a strong past would rather powerful support. Add to that the fact that Dead Space 3 is slapped on everything from buses to television and you have a recipe for a winner. Here is the list for you to look at: As you will see, a lot of franchises rule that board (Oh, and the top two are EA games. Just putting that out there.).

You guys can judge for yourself. But, for me, I will see how Dead Space 3 fares at time passes and then possibly give it a chance. Until then, my opinion is set. It's still a no from me.

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