PS4 Revealed This Month?

Sony are playing it clever, that much is for sure. Only months after the release of the Wii U, they have splattered the Internet with a vague trailer in which we get short, snappy glimpses of their classic four button set-up. On first watching, it just seems disjointed. But a the end, we're given a date: February 20th 2013. Now, don't wet your pants. We're not getting the latest Playstation just yet, but what we are getting is the option to 'See The Future'. So, it's looking like, on the 20th, we are going to get to see Sony's new baby.

There is also talk of releasing in anywhere between October or November of this year, which will usher in the second competitor in the next-gen race. Come on Xbox, pick up the pace or you're going to get left out in the cold. Regardless, this is going to certainly liven up the somewhat-stale battle of the giants. Keep your eyes here for any future updates!

Full details can also be found here.

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