AC IV:Black Flag Gameplay Trailer!

You read that one right! I come to you now, at this ridiculous hour, with the taste of something new: Assassin pirates. Now, if you haven't seen the announcement trailer, you can watch it here. Basically, the story is going to all spin around Edward Kenway, grandfather of AC III's Connor, and his life as both assassin and swashbuckling highwayman of the Seven Seas.

You're going to bump into some interesting characters, Blackbeard to name but one, and visit some exotic locations. Hopefully, this beauty will not disappoint like it's predecessor and actually deliver a fresh and engaging experience. Gameplay seems to be moving towards the naval battles from the last game, which can only be a good thing. Those were exquisite. However, this trailer, and the direction of the series in general, gives me no small deal of worry.

Assassination, the game's bread and butter, seems to be featuring less and less in the games. My prime concern is this: How do you assassinate when you're in the middle of a great, bloody boat battle?That's just murder. There's no careful planning, no re-attempts, trying to find the path of least resistance. It's just stab stab, cough, die. In the same vein, I can see the boats as being more of a means of fast travel between ports, a simple means of moving from target to target. It needs to return to its roots, and not in a Revelations kind of way.

Secondly is the trailer itself. It's hyped up as a gameplay trailer, but it still feels rather cinematic. Everything seems very linear, very focused and polished. We all want to see the raw footage, what the beast is like to ride and not how well it performs on a good day. But regardless, it has pulled me into the old Assassin fever. I cannot wait for November 1st, even if I am let down by the end product.

Want to judge for yourself? Find the Gameplay trailer below!


  1. I agree Sean, the trailer is AMAZING and I'm already a die hard AC fan (sad that I've just admitted that). On the subject of less assassinations, they seem to more or less come in botch side missions where you are asigned to target 5 templars and that's the job done, I kind of miss the fast paced action of hunting down the main templar and shoving the hidden blade deep within their neck. Although as far as I can see the game is going to be outstanding. I just hope they get it right this time and not repeat what tehy did with Revelations.

    1. Aside from the slightly macabre murder comment, I agree with you! Nothing wrong with being an AC fan Heather, be proud! The days of studying and hunting down targets seems to be gone, but we'll need to wait and see what they replace it with.
