Arkham Origins: No Arkham. No Origin Story

Batman: Arkham Origins will be set in Gotham on Christmas Eve

No, I haven't lost my mind. It has been officially confirmed that Batman: Arkham Origins will not be set near the mental institution that gave it its name, and we will not explore the Dark Knight's origin story. To be fair, we all know it anyway, don't we? Parents get shot, decides to stand against crime in Gotham, trains for years to become the Batman. Pretty standard hero fare. But what's with the title?

Well, the game will be set on the streets of Gotham City, with Batman already established as a dangerous force. Not only that, but it will all go down on Christmas Eve, since Batman has no family to spend it with....Too soon? Sorry.  I can only surmise that the use of the word 'Arkham' was simply to tie it to the series, and not a reference to setting. 'Origin', however, is another story.

Eight assassins are hunting down our Caped Crusader for a fight before Christmas. While many haven't been confirmed, we do have one solid figure: Deathstroke. To keep it short and sweet, he's a devious and psychopathic super-soldier who is gunning for the Bat's blood. No doubt he will be the final fight, although that place may be reserved for the rumoured Ra' al Ghul. You may remember him from Arkham City, or you may not. But he's a hell of a baddie, I will say that much.

Ra's al Ghul-1
You can tell he's evil, because he's pale.

The whole 'origin' business refers to the relationships he builds with these villains, and possibly some other characters who pop in during the course of the game. We all know that they're not going to be warm and caring, seeing how they're blood-thirsty killers, but seeing how they play out is going to be half of the fun. If you ignore its misleading title, Batman: Arkham Origins is shaping up to be another jewel in the series Bat-crown.

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