Hold On To Your Bat-Hat: Arkham Returns

Yes! We all knew it was coming, but we have finally had confirmation: the Dark Knight will return in his third installment later this year. It has its release title and date, as well as a surprising bonus bundled in along with it. It will be a prequel, as reflected in its name, Batman: Arkham Origins. Its current release date is that of October 25th of this year, currently being developed for the PC, Xbox 360, Wii U and Playstation 3. As of yet, there has been no mention of release on the other two next-gen consoles.

It has swapped hands from Rocksteady Studios to a segment of Warner Bros Games Montreal, so the results will be rather interesting. The last two releases were wonderous to play, bringing gamers into one of DC's darkest heroes. They are using the same customised Unreal engine to avoid discrepancies in appearance and quality, so that can only be a good thing. Not to mention that Eric Holmes, the mastermind behind Prototype, is going to be taking the helm for this project. It should be a worthy addition to the Bat's mantle.

Now, I'm sure you're curious about that bonus I mentioned. Well, they are releasing a handheld tie-in title with the new release for the PS Vita and Nintendo 3DS! Titled Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, it will take place after the events of its mother release and has been labelled as a '2.5D Metroid-style exploration action game'. Not surprising, considering it has been designed by Armature Studio, the brains behind the Metroid Prime trilogy. Nothing has been confirmed, however, about handheld-to-console interaction. However, with the way gaming has been going recently, it would not surprise me if there were special 'exclusives' available by hooking up the pair.

Keep checking back for updates!

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