Some Local Talent: Alcoholic Nerdgasm!

Hello! I hope that title didn't confuse you too badly. Out of context, I can see how it could throw a person. It's not a game, it's not an article...what the Hell is it!? But fear not, for I shall elaborate! Today, I'm talking about a group of enthusiastic, if somewhat inebriated, gamers from my local area. Those young men are known collectively as Alcoholic Nerdgasm, thus explaining the title of this article. While still in their teething years, I feel that they have potential behind those rolling eyes and, in order to realise that, they need your backing. So we here at Fair Play Gaming come to you, our friends and supporters, asking for you to extend your embrace to take in our tipsy cousins. But we wouldn't ask you to trust them blindly, so here is an explanation of what sort of shenanigans they engage in!

Heads up: There's a lot of this involved.

So, their basic theme: They drink and play video games. What, you need more than that? Well, okay then. A group of three (Donald Davies, Bob King and Stephen Maxwell) get together and play, comment on and generally review the games in question. While they drink. Don't worry, they don't become bumbling, shambolic messes. They're Scottish, they're made of harder stuff. So far, they have a few projects running, as well as several more in the works. The video series' currently available are as follows: Dark Souls (Let's Play), their Finish or Fail challenges and The Bob Project. Aroused your interest? I thought it might! So hurry folks, check them out! Here is their Facebook page, their Youtube account and their Twitter feed.

So head over, and tell them Fair Play Gaming sent you! And show them some love!

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